
Dr Chandler

Dr. Maurice Chandler is the author of "Set Apart For Christ."He serves as an Instructor at the All Saints Bible College of the Church of God in Christ. He received an Associate Degree at the C. H. Mason Bible College in Religious Studies with the Church of God in Christ, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Science - Economics at the LeMoyne-Owen College, a Master of Divinity (MDiv), a Master of Arts in Religion (MAR) and Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min) at the Memphis Theological Seminary in Memphis, Tennessee. He is a fourth generation of the Church of God in Christ. He was called in the ministry in year of 1990 and ordained as an Elder by the Late Bishop Samuel L. Lowe under the Fifth Jurisdiction of Tennessee, Church of God in Christ.

Dr. Chandler is the pastor of Garden of Hope Church of God in Christ. He is a Moderator - Laity Leadership Class for the Church of God in Christ - O. T. Jones Institute during its Annual Holy Convocation. Dr. Chandler specializes in Laity Leadership. Lay leaders are recognized as the pillars and foundation of Christ’s church and are given the undaunted task of moving the faithful into a journey of faithfulness. It is a guarded position which responsibly imposes that lay leaders have a relationship with God. Today, navigating faith is filled with overcoming world systems bent upon the destruction of the believer’s faith through immorality, violence and the sensibility and insensibility surrounding culture. How can believers model an effective faith today amidst diverse culture? What responsibilities must the believers seek to attain and sustain their evidence of being faithful and more.

He is the son of Mrs. Louise Chandler and the late Administrative Assistant John E. Chandler. Dr. Chandler is married to Dr. Gennie Chandler and they currently resides in Cordova, Tennessee.


All Saints Bible College
Bible Gateway
TBA - O T Jones Institute

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