Dr. Maurice A. Chandler is currently not accepting speaking engagements due to the Conronavirus (COVID-19). It is my prayer that God will continue keep each of you safe.
If you would like to purchase of the book "Set Apart for Christ" can be purchased by submitting a request to the CONTACT webpage.
Dr. Maurice Chandler serves as Seminarist with the O. T. Jones Institute in the area of Laity Leadership.
TOPIC: Laity Leadership - Lay Leaders are recognized as the pillars and foundation of Christ’s church and are given the undaunted task of moving the faithful into a journey of faithfulness. It is a guarded position which responsibly imposes that lay leaders have a relationship with God. Today, navigating faith is filled with overcoming world systems bent upon the destruction of the believer’s faith through immorality, violence and the sensibility and insensibility surrounding culture. How can believers model an effective faith today amidst diverse culture? What responsibilities must the believers seek to attain and sustain their evidence of being faithful? and more.
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